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The Penultimate Match-up: Luke the Evangelist and Oscar Romero March 26, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — revwaf @ 1:50 pm

Here it is, the penultimate day of Lent Madness.  Today’s semi-finalist will go head to head with Frances Perkins who trounced Hilda of Whitby yesterday.

The Annunciation — another story we would not have had it not been for Luke

Archbishop Romero — the patron saint of Latin America

Our two semi-finalists today are Luke the Evangelist and Oscar Romero.  Again I remind myself that: a) this is Lent Madness and the actual saints don’t really care and b) a vote for one is not a vote against the other but simply a personal opinion about which had the greater impact on the world.  Using the criterion of b and the reminder of a, today my vote goes for Luke the Evangelist.  The Celebrity Blogger in today’s LM post reminds us of everything the author of Luke/Acts has given the world — all the stories, all the amazing people (including a “patron saint” — Zaccheus —  for the vertically challenged) and all the formative events in the life of the early church starting with the story fof Pentecost.  But above all, it is in Luke and Acts that God’s all-encompassing, unconditional love for all humankind is most boldly proclaimed.  In Christ there is no north or south, no east or west, no male or female, no black or white, no gay or straight.  Without the testimony of the author of Luke/Acts I daresay our understanding of God would be very different.  And I daresay the words of Mary’s “Magnificat” must have been foundational in Archbishop Romero’s understanding of who God had called him to be in the particular and place in which he found himself.

To vote, go here.


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